Generate Barcode

April 5, 2022| Sims Technologies

Generate Barcode

Having been used in commerce and elsewhere for over 50 years, bar codes have a proven track record to make the operation of businesses around the world more effective. When the solution is applied with thought and planning, bar codes have demonstrated to be an incredibly successful tool for managing costs, reducing errors, and providing visibility to the supply chain. Many agencies and customers generate barcode labeling compliance standards that must be met.

Barcodes are efficient
Bar codes permit faster and more accurate transfer and recording of information benefiting the track of work in process or the movement of assets more quickly and precisely. Significant time can be spent tracking down the location of assets, instruments, materials, and anything that moves within a location or between companies. Bar codes can help speed the processes and improve the tracking of these items, saving your organization time in response to inquiries and changes because you can track exactly where items are.

Barcodes save time
Depending on the application, the time savings can be very significant when a barcoding solution is successfully implemented. Often the most dramatic examples involve the tasks of inventory. One SimsTechnologies customer required a crew of 25 employees working over a weekend for mid-year inventory; once they implemented bar codes this was reduced to 4 employees completing the inventory in 5 hours. Routine daily operations have a positive impact in saving time and resource as the use of bar codes expand and improve productivity. Consider another SimsTechnologies customer who professed to process a shipment of 10 cartons of their product to a retail outlet customer. Previous to them embracing a bar code system; it took approximately 2-4 minutes, sometimes more, to write down product codes and product serial numbers compared to 10 to 20 seconds now to scan the bar codes – and without numerical, description transposing errors. In a large operation, this leads to significant reductions in time.

Barcodes reduce errors
Clerical and data entry errors can bring irreparable damage to a business leading to higher freight costs, unhappy customers, and enormous time used to track down problems. In some situations, clerical errors can have a much more dramatic impact; for example the critical importance of data and product accuracy in pharmaceutical, patient safety, or blood bank applications. Errors here can be irreparable to a business image and reputation, and in many instances bring about legal ramifications. We know the typical error rate for human data entry is 1 per 300 characters. That’s a crushing statistic leading to potentially millions of lost profits across business sectors. Bar code printing and scanners are much more accurate; the error rate can be as good as 1 error in 36 trillion characters depending on the type of bar code and printing solution used.


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